Saturday, April 9, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2384

Slept until 0540.  Mrs set the alarm so we’d have time to eat and head out for our run.

Got in a fasted 25 burpee chins to get blood flowing and bring some life back to my legs after my Deep Water 100 squats with 375lbs yesterday, along with Tabata KB front squats.

Had a fantastic pre-race breakfast of a slice of keto bread and half a low carb bagel, both with sunflower butter, and 5 celery stalks with Nuts n More spread on them.  Pretty much pure fats with some protein and very trace carbs, because that’s how I roll.

Of course, Mrs and I did zero warm-up, got to the starting line, and got going.  My legs felt heavy, my quadriceps were sore, but that was honestly about it.  My lungs and cardiovascular system held up fantastically, and the miles moved the fastest they ever had for a race.  I’ve run 2 half marathons and 1 other 10 mile race before this, and this definitely felt the best out of all of those, which is especially remarkable when you consider I did exactly ONE distance run to prep for this.  Otherwise, it was 6 weeks of hill workouts, done Litvinov-esque with the KB front squats before each sprint.  

Kept a VERY consistent 9:38 mile pace through out and finished at 1hr 36min 51sec, which, for my running friends, is moving at the speed of smell, but also, for my running friends: see how you do after 100 barbell squats with 70+KB squats the day before.  And on that note, my wife and I talked with each other the entire time.  There was no huffing, puffing, wheezing and dying.  This was leisure.

Hey, speaking of KB squats…wanna know what I did when I got home?  Tabata KB front squats with 47.5lb bells.  Why?  Because we do not let the race win.  Also got my daily work done.

Treated myself to a warrior’s meal of steak (piedmontese grassfed sirloin) and eggs for dinner, along with some “asparagus fries”, mashed cauliflower and broccoli.  

Had some naked chicken wings for lunch.

Gonna blow out my shoulder patting myself on the back here, but, folks, I am more trouble than I am worth. I am at the top of my game.  I have never been in a better place physically, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically or intellectually. I am skullf**kingly loony tunes bonkers.  I am Nicky Santoro in Casino.  “That’s my business.  That’s what I do”.  I will get up at 0540 and do burpees before my 10 mile run that I am woefully unprepared for the day after blowing my brains out on some squats on a meal of nothing but fats and drink absolutely no water along the way because I am a lunatic.  You might be able to outmuscle me, you may outrun me, you may outfight me, but you WILL NOT outwork or outcrazy me.


  1. You've had a lot of good workouts and accomplished a lot in your training life. But being able to disrespect Deep Water Squats like that feels like a huge milestone somehow. Awesome job.

    1. Very much appreciated dude! Disrespect sums it up well: the fear is completely gone. Deadlifts on the other hand..., haha.
