Thursday, August 4, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2498

AM WORKOUT (0255 natural wake up, working early shift) SEMI-FASTED: 1 serving of Surge Workout Fuel (half before workout, half during)

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 4, workout 3


Axle bench press





4x271 (1 more than previous cycle)

Superset w/10 band pull aparts all sets


Axle bench press (pause first 6 reps, press away rest)


Superset w/

Double KB rows

5x10x24 kg

90 seconds rest between sets, total time 15 minutes and some seconds

Transition immediately into assistance work


Dip into raise into abs into hyper into pushdown

Dip stripset (no rest between sets)





36xBodyweight (rest pause as needed)

Lateral raise dropset (no rest between sets)





22xEmpty Hands

20 standing ab wheel

40x90 Reverse hyper

25 pushdowns



50 burpee chins as fast as possible, EMOM do 2 bear complexes w/95lbs

* Done in 11:53

Transition immediately to 5 minutes of ABCs w/24kg bells

* 18 accomplished


* Really pleased with how I took what is typically the most lackluster day of the program and turned it into something solid.  I’m seeing significant progress from the last cycle.  The 1 extra rep on the main work is dandy, but the supplemental work was nuts.   Previously, I managed 5 pause reps on the first set, and then dropped a pause rep each set.  Hitting and keeping 6 through out is fantastic.

* Conditioning was fantastic.  Main workout was just a spin on Cluster Bomb, but it’s just nice to have burpee chins on the menu again.  Chasing it with my 5 minutes of ABCs was an amazingly terrible idea.  I was absolutely dying.  Love what I can put out under that kind of fatigue, and it’s nice to have that done.

* Torqued something in my left knee in Tang Soo Do last night, which is what drove me into the bears and ABCs in the first place.  I’m going to try to get the body to keep moving and work out whatever the issue is.

* Would like to get in a burpee workout or something similar later in the day, just to keep the heart rate going.  I’m working an early shift today, which is why I got up even earlier than usual, but it shouldn’t be too big a deal. 

* Kept the Surge to a single serving for this workout, just because it’s not as intense as any of the others.

Bruise update.

It's hard to appreciate the discoloring around the area too, but it's pretty zombie-esque.


3 minutes of Stone of Steel to Shoulder (19 reps accomplished)

Immediately throw on 80lb vest and go for 2 mile walk


* Got to yes with that weight vest.  Came home from shift and made my next day's breakfast in record time, threw on the gym clothes, found the nearest heavy object and got to work.  Still love this protocol: jack up the heart rate and ride it out.

* Was 106 degrees when I started the walk.  Can't pay for the kind of misery: gotta take advantage of it when it's there.

* Got the garage set up for tomorrow.  Strap suspended SSB Good mornings for Beefcake work, then conditioning with axle deads.  Thinking axle deads are going to be the way forward for the majority of this cycle.  Takes some pressure off me.


  1. That quote about paying for misery was so badass I saved it. After seeing countless complaints about how uncomfortable the heat is seeing that reminded me of why I come here, haha
