Saturday, August 20, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2515


Slept until 0530. Mrs needed to get up early to work on a paper. Opened the day up with a fasted TABEARTA. Once again: 3 complexes in 20 seconds is honest work. I was gassed in 4 minutes. Scratches that ABC itch for sure.


Yet another day of absolutely crushing it.  It's currently 2050, Mrs is getting in a run, I just finished my pre-bed meal and this is the first time I've sat down all day and had a moment, which is a testament to how awesome things are.  A lot of the time was filled with chores (did all the grocery shopping and a LOT of meal prep, to include a ground turkey breast and beef liver chorizo that I'm quite curious about), but let me lay out the training

At 0850, I did 50 burpee chins in 5:25.  THAT is the pace I need to do them at.  I've been sleepwalking through them, and it's been showing.  THIS was a real burner.

After groceries and lunch, it was time for


15x225 front squats

20x225 squat

25x225 SSB squats

30x225 Deadlifts

Straight into 90 minutes of lawn care

STRAIGHT into 20 Thrusters w/135lbs in 2:30

And at some point, I got in my daily work.


* Lemme talk about MTNE first.  That front squat felt WAY heavier than it had any right to, and I thought for sure I was gonna underperform today, but I found 15, which it's been a while for me.  I may have even had a 16th in there.  And then, after that...ennui.  Yeah, I still wanted to quit during the SSB squat, but I basically speed-ran this workout.  The transitions between movements were about as short as they could be and I was flying through reps.  I found that 25th rep of the SSB squat much faster than I've ever done before.  Looking like a tune up or overhaul is in my future.

* I no longer have a good arm to pat myself on the back with, so this is gonna come out rough, but allow me to celebrate my insanity.  I squatted 5x10x405 on Monday.  Since that time, I've done a few million front squats through a combination of tabata front squats and Bear Complexes, of which I did 70 something of them on Thurs and opened up this morning with another 24 of them.  On Friday, I went on a 45 minute long vision quest to get in 10x10x301 axle deads and 10x10x205 SSB squats, capped off with 20 Burpee chins.  And then I did this today.  All while "injured".  By any reasonable stretch, my legs should basically be rendered into the filler goo they put inside of Stretch Armstrongs, and instead I am lamenting the BOREDOM I am experiencing from my nutjob psycho workout.

I like to take a step back and take it all in sometimes, because if I don't appreciate the sheer insanity of it, I'm missing out.

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