Tuesday, August 23, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2518

AM WORKOUT (0322 Natural Wakeup) FASTED


65 rounds of 22kb swings w/24kg bell every 55 seconds


TABEARTA w/95lbs, 3 complexes per round

50 pull aparts
25 pushdowns
100 “chaos curls” w/5lbs
20 standing ab wheels
40x90 reverse hypers
38 burpee chins in 5 minutes


* Decided to go with shorter rounds vs more swings per minute and it was the right call.  This will keep me at 10010 swings in 7 days and it upped the challenge enough to remove the boredom.  By about round 48 I was not having a good time.  I think just a gradual tick down in time will go a long way.

* I can see the value in shorter workouts here: it’s easy to get lax/lose focus when these go on forever.  I’m definitely getting in some garbage reps, but, as the saying goes, “Quantity has a quality all on its own”

* I AM finding that my rep quality is getting better in general though, which imagine that.  Also, last night, I experienced myoclonic jerks of my glutes contracting.  How’s that for dialed in?

* The “armor” is holding up well and continues to be a fantastic decision.

* Holy F—K TABEARTA after all those swings.  THAT is some real honest work.  I got through 3 complexes per round all the way until the 8th.  On the 8th round, I had to dip into the 10 second rest period to get it done.  That’s a GOOD sign for a Tabata effort.  And then ending it with the burpee chins was a fantastic cherry on top.

* Bicep is healing well with those chaos curls.  Wondering pain is now impacting the left IT band, but TABEARTA tends to inflame that a bit.

* Long day today, so got in most of the training all in one shot

* I mixed in some cashew milk with my egg whites in my protein shake today just to add a little volume and I think I might keep that up.  There’s practically nothing in the cashew milk, but it makes the drink a bit smoother on the guts.

* I’ve dropped a lot of the bloat I was carrying.  I’m sure these 7 days are going to sweat out any Crisco I’ve accumulated.

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