Saturday, August 6, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2500 (that's a pretty big number, and today is a great log entry)

So let's talk about today.  

Got up at 0600 due to wife's alarm.  She's working on her second masters and wanted to get up early so she could work on a paper.  She puts me to shame.

I start off the day with a fasted 5 minutes of ABCs.  I get in 21, then throw on 80lb weighted vest and take my dog for a 40 minute walk.  I listened to the Legends of Iron Podcast with Jerry Pritchett.  I'm walking the dog now because the weather folks are telling us today is going to be THE hottest day of the year, so if the dog is getting a walk, it's happening now.  It's already 75 degrees when we start, but the humidity hasn't set in yet...but it does midway through the walk, and I'm pouring sweat.

Get home, wife makes me a fantastic breakfast, I clean up, and while taking out the trash I get in 50 burpee chins in 6:36.  Not a record, but given my tricep is still showing some bruising from the tear, I'm pleased with it.  Yesterday, I sprain my wrist/forearm on my ABCs, then it started to bug me on this morning's ABCs, and it started showing a bit on those ABCs...foreshadowing.

Drop the wife off for a sports massage/study break, take the kiddo out for some errands, get dinner for the night and picked up a new DnD Starter Set from Target (SCORE), get dinner/harassed by the elderly, come home, put stuff away, and then knock out...


20x100 log viper presses
18x135 Stone of Steel to Shoulder
16x155 Keg one motion overheads
13x185 front squat
13x185 squat
11x225 SSB squat

Could this be "Monument to Non-Existence"?  Yeah, it's yet another version of it, but I dig this name.  "Crossing the Alps" because logistics are a BIG part of this workout.  The order of the movements is based upon my gym layout while emphasizing speedy transitions.  We're also crossing the Alps because attrition is happening through out this workout.  But instead of elephants, Hannibal brought berserker mercenary shocktroops, and they are TEARING through the front lines of everything on the battlefield.  We lose numbers and gain ground the whole way.  And, of course, I wore the t-shirt in tribute.

This workout took a LOT out of me.  On the very first rep of the stone, I thought I tore my left bicep.  You can see me check it out for damage.  It was just the tendonitis I was dealing with reaching its logical conclusion.  Then, on rep 13 of the keg presses, that stumble about ended my career.  I felt something in my left knee click and pop and I almost fell over the log.  Would have been an amazing fail video.  


Because you can't stop me

The rest of the workout achieved my end goal: it was absolutely miserable.  I wanted to quit yet again during SSB squats.  I took too much time between squats and SSBs and I'll need to fix that next time, but I appreciated this workout for everything it included and still making it within the 15 minute mark.   My fear was it dragging on too far.

When it was done, I was absolutely feeling the effect of "hottest day of the year".  Once again, this ranks among the hardest workouts I've ever done.  

Ate like a champ at dinner.  I am looking jacked in that video.  Everything is as awesome as it can be.


  1. When your at war with the iron there’s going to be blood shed. Your a freaking beast!! Watching these videos makes me so pumped to go at it. I have at least 25 black and blue bruises all over my legs from heavy ass DB bench presses. My wife is always nervous about the bruising. It’s a badger of honor swinging the iron. Get after it!!

    1. Really appreciate you having written all of that dude! Glad to hear you're finding your own way through this as well. Good to have you aboard.
