Thursday, August 18, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2512

AM WORKOUT (0320 Natural wake up) SEMI-FASTED: 1 serving of Surge pre-workout, 1 during



Axle bench press

5x10 band pull aparts between sets


Axle bench press
5x10x226 superset w/5x10x24KG KB rows 

90 seconds rest between sets

Total time: 17:58

Transition immediately to assistance work



50 burpee chins in 7:18
25 pushdowns
20 standing ab wheels
40x90 reverse hypers
30 GHRs




* Open with 95lb TABEARTA w/3 complexes per round

* 20 minute EMOM of Bears and Dips.  Ladder up to 3 bears, fill in the remainder of the minute with dips, worked up to 180+ total dips

* Close with 95lb TABEARTA w/2 complexes per round


* Left bicep was a little unstable at the start of the benching, but I found my way toward the end.  I was pretty pleased with how the supplemental work shook out.  Keeping the 90 seconds rest each round was a good sign, and I was feeling pretty strong.  The topset was garbage, but supplemental is the focus.

* REALLY like chasing the bench with the burpee chins.  That might just become a thing in general.

* This workout is such a buzzkill that the conditioning workout tends to be what saves it, and today was no exception.  I already had “Bear Calvary” in mind, but I wanted to get more of a conditioning effect, hence “Cub Sandwich Au Jus”.  I love the name.  The sandwich part is there with the TABEARTAs on either side.  The cub is…well..bears.  Au jus?  Dip, of course.  And again: 3 bears per round on Tabata keeps you honest!  You are putting in work if you do that.  Trying to get in dips after that was pretty amazing, which is what prompted that ladder approach of bears between rounds.   Typically, I did a straight 2 per round, but today required some variance.  This is for sure a keeper.  Coming back to those tabata bears at the end really tested me.

* Got my third stripe in Tang Soo Do last night, so I’m eligible to test for my next belt in December.  I haven’t been doing much updating on that front, as it’s been mostly the same, but  my instructor remarked how I’ve been relaxing more and not muscling techniques.  Funny enough, I imagine it’s because I keep picking up small injuries that are preventing me from doing that, but I’ll take the feedback any which way I can.

* On the bicep front, it’s healing, but I can’t fully contract the muscle, which is interesting.  Just going to be diligent.

* For tomorrow, I’m having some real “Deadlift ennui”.  I don’t think I will be able to move the loads required to finish out BBB Beefcake legitimately, which is making me think to just do some stupid nutty deadlift based workout instead.  We’ll see what happens.  Chaos is the plan.  

Ended the night with 27 100lb log vipers in 3 minutes.  Bicep ached a little but held out.  Continuing with my typical injury protocol of frequently nagging at it to let it know it still needs to be ready to perform.

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