Wednesday, August 24, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2519

AM WORKOUT (0325 Natural Wake Up) FASTED


65 rounds of 22 swings w/24kg bell

52 seconds per round


TABEARTA w/95lbs, 3 complexes per round

50 pull aparts
25 pushdowns
100 chaos curls
20 standing ab wheels

43 burpee chins in 5 minutes (5 reps better than yesterday)


* 4290/10000 swings done.  9 minutes faster than my initial time of…2 days ago.  52 second rounds mean 18 seconds of rest between swings, and what’s crazy is that it was 18 seconds from round 1 to round 65.  I’ve become alarmingly consistent.  I’m living by that metronome sound.

* 52 seconds per round is DEFINITELY where the suck lives.  Enough time to recover, but barely.  The benefit is that the “boredom” isn’t there.  You really gotta stay sharp through out, because those rest times vanish pretty rapidly.

* Developing a small blister on my right ring finger and right big toe.  Getting that blister through those gloves is a testament to how much this can beat you up.

* Still focusing on driving hard on the swings and snapping back into place.  Still getting feedback that my swings look weird.  Gotta love the internet.

* Holy f—k again TABEARTA after all those swings is AWFUL.  I got 3 per round for the first 7, the 8th I had to dip into the rest period again.  I was floored when it was done.  And then closing it with the burpee chins did it all over again. Much like how the Velocity diet is a 28 day shotgun blast of fat loss, I feel like I’ve stumbled upon a 1 week solution to fix your conditioning.  The swings are the long slow burn, and then you chase it with 9 minutes of hell.

* Tang Soo Do sparring night tonight, so even MORE conditioning.

* I am appreciating how high speed/low drag this whole situation has been.   Training fasted means less to think about in the morning, and then I just grab the bell and go.  I know EXACTLY what I am doing and where I am going.  No thinking needed.

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