Sunday, August 21, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2516

Slept until 0630 and hit this workout fasted

TABEARTA 3 complexes per round

31 burpee chins in 5 minutes

TABEARTA 2 complexes per round

That was 13 minutes of honest work.  I really dig bear complexes as far as mobility goes.  Wanna get limber first thing in the morning?  Get some bear complexes in.

I feel like I'm inevitably just going to replace ABCs with TABEARTA.  The biggest limiting factor is loading the bar and having the crashmats out, and that's really minimal time suck.  In fact, given the ABCs were 5 minutes and TABEARTA is 4, it might be a wash.  Chaos is the plan.

In that regard, an idea struck me for deload week of trying to do the 10k swing challenge in 7 days.  Did the math and that's about 1430 swings a day.  Wondering if I could make it 715 for a workout, go for a walk, come back and do the other 715.  Or perhaps 715-daily work-715.  It's honestly time that I think is the big suck factor there.  I've gotten 500 inside of 30 minutes before while doing daily work in between sets of swings, so I could probably shave it down some from there, but that's STILL just a lot of workout.

Ya know, maybe I'll just make tomorrow a swing day and see what I can do and evaluate from there.  Not a terrible idea.  Well, actually, yeah, this is a really bad idea, but most of my best ones are.  This is what deload weeks are good for...or, I guess deloading.

But where's the fun in that?


I did a quick test doing 20 rounds of 22 swings with daily work filling the remainder of the minute. I finished with 30 seconds remaining on good rounds.

Initial impression is that hand skin integrity will be the limiter, followed by grip. Not afraid to use straps to address both. Also considering gardening gloves vs lifting gloves.

Will give day 1 a try tomorrow and evaluate from there.  I've figured it out that 65 minutes of 22 swings EMOM will get me 10010 swings in 7 days.

I am coming prepared


  1. Sorry if I missed it but what weight is the kettlebell you're using for swings?

    1. Just posted the update of it, but it's a 24kg bell, per the challenge.
