Wednesday, August 17, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2511

AM WORKOUT (0320 natural wake up) FASTED


Prowler distance: FAR

Keg: 100+lbs

3 rounds of

* 8 keg loads to truck tailgate, load onto prowler

* High handle prowler push

* Carry keg back to truck, load onto tailgate

* Bearhug carry back to prowler, load onto prowler

* Reverse drag prowler to start

Time: 33:30

1 round of

* High handle push, immediately turn around and backwards drag it to start

Time: 40:30 (7 minute round)

4 minutes of keg loading to tailgate: 57 reps total (3 rep PR from previous week)



Time: 7:54

5 round circuit of

* 10 dips

* 4 ab wheels

* 8 reverse hypers w/90lbs

50 pull aparts

25 pushdowns

30 GHRs


* Was pleased I could run this, given the brokenness of the bicep.  Felt a slight tug on the put down of the final bear hug carry, but otherwise held together well, and that keg loading at the end went solid. 

* Friction was high today on the parking lot.  Struggled with the prowler.

* Fran seemed like a good idea, but those chins were murdering my bicep.   I have a plan to hit up either Tabearta or Tabata KBFS later today.  

* Appetite is through the roof these days.  Good to have that.  But f**k me I’m tired of making so much food.

PM workout

Tabata front squats w/95lbs


* A Dan John classic, and just what I needed for the circumstances. Went max reps per round, minimum of 8. Felt the hurt.

* Got my list of other WODs ready to go. Right now elbow heakth is guiding things, but soon it will open all the way up.

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