Friday, August 5, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2499

AM WORKOUT (0305 wake up via alarm) SEMI-FASTED: 1 serving of Surge Pre-workout, 1 within the workout



Axle deads






Strap suspended deadlift stance SSB Good mornings (90 seconds rest between sets)


Superset w/

5x10 band pull aparts

Time: 15:45


300lb axle deadlifts and burpee chins

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, then 10 reps of deads

Time: 22:05

40x360 reverse hypers

30 GHRs


* Being uncharacteristically smart about recovering from the muscle tear.  Worked up to something heavy on the axle just to see how I responded.  I could feel some aches at 316, but still felt strong.  With 405, it felt welded to the floor, which is typically a sign of some sort of dysfunction in the body, so I played it smart and didn’t push harder.  Had the plan to go with the 5x10 GMs to keep the Beefcake aspect of the training plan in place.

* The GMs are lighter than what I did in my previous go, but a whole different animal.  I’m starting from the bottom position, so there’s no eccentric loading beforehand/stretch reflex to play off of, and the deadlift stance helps with the carryover.  I did these strict, straight legged, focusing on the glutes and posterior chain to carry me through vs semi-squats.  

* I like what I came up with for conditioning.  Got some deadlift reps in, got some training in, and it was definitely taxing.  The countdown is deceptive.  You think it will get easier with the fewer reps, but it means less rest between deadlift sets.  

* I really like how this training day shook out in general, and it’s most likely how things will move forward.  I think I’d like to push for a heavy good morning before the rep work, and I’d want to get in more assistance work when I’m not working an early shift, but good mornings for reps and deadlifts for conditioning should help keep me sharp.


25 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kb bells (15 unbroken, new record)


* 2 2.5 minute rounds, going for max reps unbroken in the first and then just max reps in the second.  I like that quite a bit.  Very easy on the psychology.

* Knee is still touch and go.  Some parts of the day it's fine.  Others, it aches.  Clearly not slowing me down.

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