Tuesday, August 30, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2525

AM WORKOUT (0327 natural wake up)

**5/3/1 FOR HARDGAINERS** Week 1, Workout 2


Axle Clean and Strict Press away




5x171 (out of the rack…killed my spirit to do so, but I can FINALLY clean again, and I didn’t want to push it)

50 total band pull aparts accomplished between sets


10 rounds of

* 5x136 Axle clean each rep and strict press
* 10 dips
* 5 chins

Accomplished in 19:30


* 1 round of low handles w/50lbs loaded
* 1 round of high handles w/90lbs loaded
* 1 round of backwards drag w/140lbs loaded

Time: 19:30


Poundstone Curls


* Today was a good “proof of concept” day.  The biggest limiting factor of me running Hardgainers was finding a spot to run the prowler that allowed for my “o’dark stupid” workouts.  This MOSTLY worked.  I timed it, and it’s a 3 minute drive to the spot I run to, so honestly about a “rest time interval” to get there, which is clutch.  It’s MOSTLY quiet, BUUUUT there is a fishing dock there, and just my luck: some dude pulled up in a pick up truck with a boat to go fishing as I was doing the backwards drag.  There’s MORE than enough space there that it SHOULDN’T be an issue, but dude turned his truck on me, blinded me for a pro-longed period with his high beams, then drove his truck INTO MY PROWLER PATH just to roll down his window and say “I was curious what you were up to.  That noise scared me!  So…working out?”  I replied “YES!” with the appropriate amount of frustration, to which he got indignant and said “Oh, well I’ll get out of your way then” and drove off.  You can’t make this stuff up.  On the plus side, that means I can probably get in a little more prowler work without interruption next time.

* Big highlight was being able to do cleans with the axle again.  My forearm/bicep is really coming along.  I was still pretty tentative though, and after succeeding with 151 and knowing my plan was to clean each rep of the supplemental work, I didn’t want to push my luck and took 171 out of the rack.  Violates my principles, but chaos is the plan.  

* That supplemental/assistance circuit worked out well.  Went with effectively 2 minute rounds, and would rest for the remainder of the round before starting again.  My Dungeons and Dragons background comes out with Jim’s programming, because I’m a total rules lawyer.  I got in 50 chins and 100 dips this way, and I picked only one movement, BUT I also got in 50 cleans by doing it like this, which “doesn’t count” for the assistance work…but let’s be real, it counts.  Solid metabolic effect.  And still meeting my 20 minute timer.  Really digging that.  

* Just because time got away from me, I settled on Poundstone curls as a finisher.  Also, Mrs opted to sleep in this morning, so I didn’t want to be crashing weights for hardcore conditioning at the end, but it was a little weird for me to finish the workout not totally gassed.  Granted, the prowler work did a solid job there.  I would just do the run, load the plates, and move on to the next.  I’m still on that super long parking lot, so I’m just pushing all the way down and coming back.

* On that note, I’m really glad I figured out a way to bring low handle pushes back into the rotation.  They’re just a different animal, and they make up stupid strong.  Next time, I need to start out wearing the harness so I can bring that in as well.  I’d throw it in at the end, but I wasted time fussing with it before ultimately deciding to just go with reverse drags.

* The Poundstone curl performance today was a testament to the effectiveness of Surge, because WITHOUT it in my system, those curls were tough.  However, I think that also speaks to it being a good idea for me to limit my usage of it.  I imagine the injuries I accumulated were a result of being able to push FAR beyond my normal limits.  It’s good to have a governor.

* Totally forgot that I planned on getting jumps in as well.  I'll need to be better about that.



20 standing ab wheels
40 reverse hypers
25 pushdowns
30 GHRs
Neck work

Notes: TABEARTA was actually pretty tough today.  May be experiencing some fatigue accumulation.  Darndest thing.

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