Thursday, April 1, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2383

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 6, Workout 4 (final workout of program)

AM WORKOUT (0645, 0530 wake up via alarm)

CIRCUITS (chin-bench) plate change rest between sets

Chins (underhand)
100 total reps

Axle bench press

SUPERSETS (bench-row) 2:00 between sets

Axle bench press 226

DB row 90s

90 DB bench dropset w/12 deep breath rest pause
(Upright) 1x5
(5) 1x4
(4) 1x4
(3) 1x4
(2) 1x6
(1) 1x5
BW dips w/10 breath rest pause 8-9-8-8-8-9
25 band pushdowns

Poundstone curls


30 GHRs
10 neck bridges each way

Notes: Program is done.  Review posted soon, but in all this was a success.  That topset of 280 was a big one, and gives me a slight pause about BtM.  I've got a month to get 275 for 3x5, which may be in the cards, or I may take the TM down.  Still got time to tell.  Things were strong, and I made sure to really focus on technique.  The DB presses took a dive, but that's to be expected.  I was technically supposed to do 220 for 5x10, but the meathead in me wouldn't let that happen.  225 for 5x10 is always a great milestone for me.

First, a breakfast photo

Bottom right is a crepini egg wrap with half an avocado and 2 cage free organic eggs mixed with 2.25 ounces of grassfed piedmontese steak tips that I folded into a breakfast taco with some fat free cheddar.  The mug is a combination of cashew and almond milk (ran out of cashew milk), and the left is 2 stalks of celery cut in half with some nuts and more spread along with a slice of keto friendly toast with organic no salt added sunbutter.  I found out I like it more than the stuff with salt: how cool.  And, of course, an energy drink.

End of program physique shots

Not sure why that one is so small.  Oh well.


50 band pull aparts

Tabata KB workouts (1 armed snatches for the 20 second intervals, 1 armed swings for the 10 seconds)

40 minute 80lb weighted vest walk

Notes: Just finishing up the day.  Got the race on Saturday: have to avoid the temptation to blow my brains out with conditioning the day before.  Will still get in the daily work and maybe something light as well, but have to be smart-ish.

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