Saturday, July 2, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2466

AM WORKOUT (0555 natural wake up) FASTED

1 double KB snatch w/45lb(20kg) bells

1 KB cluster

Run down the hill

Run up the hill

2 snatches

2 clusters

Run down

Run up


10 snatches

10 clusters

Run down

Run up

Time: 20:30

100 double KB swings 

1 snatch

1 cluster

Run down 

Run up


3 snatch

3 cluster

run down

run up

30 double KB swings

Total time: 30:20


* My parents live at the stop of a steep hill, so I set up my KBs at the top and used it for this workout.  It was pretty fantastic.  Creeps up quick and suddenly you're drowning.  Once I got to 10 per side, just filled in more time.  Worked out well with swings and then repeating a third.

* Double snatch into a cluster is a legit complex.  If I wanted to speed it up, I'd do a double half snatch into a thruster, but no matter how you slice it I like the way it gets weight overhead in 2 different ways.  Really just blows everything out.


28 ABCs in 5 minutes w/20kg bells.  


* With the lighter weight, I'm able to squeak in a few more reps, but that time restriction is still nutty.  6 per round gives me 10 seconds to "rest" if I'm cooking, and that's with some REAL slop form.  

* The bells I got are absolutely adequate.  They strike me in my forearm at a slightly different spot than I'm use to, but otherwise, minus the odyssey it took to get them to me, I'm satisfied.

* Got in a handful of burpees earlier, but not the 100 I've been doing.  This took priority.  If I find myself with more time, I'll look to the burpees, but otherwise I have a run on the horizon later.

Finished up the day with a 3 mile run/2 mile walk with the Mrs, and a handful of burpees through out the day.

Also, put this together and I think it's awesome


  1. That's an awesome picture. I remember in-person witnessing your deadlift intensity and it's a thing to behold at a competition.

    1. A major compliment coming from you dude; thanks!
