Saturday, July 23, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2486

Slept until 0610, got in a fasted workout of

24 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells

10 rounds in 10 minutes of

* 10 dips

* 2 standing ab wheels

* 4 reverse hypers

* EMOM, do 1 ABC w/24kg bells

Capped off with 6 ABCs in a minute

Mowed the lawn for 90ish minutes.  

Then, in the PM, did

"Monument to Non-Existence: Unstable Mutation"

20x225 SSB front squats

30x225 SSB squats

40x225 trap bar lifts

50x225 high handle trap bar lifts

I changed this up from previous work so that I wouldn't have previous PRs to chase after in an injured state.  This was still pretty awful, and in a different way.  The SSB awfulness hit midset, but it was there.  Also, it's the hottest day of the year, 102 heat index OUTSIDE, so you can imagine what it was like in the Hellscape of my garage.  

And my outfit is VERY 80s.

I'm working a night shift, so I took a 90 minute nap, work up and picked up pizza for the home, to include an 8" chicken, pineapple, pepperoni and sausage keto pizza for myself.  I am more than certain that this workout, paired with a nap, paired with that food created an event so anabolic that bystanders within a 100' radius added 4lbs of muscle to their frame.

I've been getting in band resisted chins throughout the day, testing out my shoulder.  It's healing incredibly fast.

Somewhere between mowing and training, I did grocery shopping as well.  As I was leaving to pick up the pizza, I thought to myself "I am a good goddamn man: I am taking care of my family". 

It's awesome to have those thoughts.  My headspace is in such a great place.

I'm going to get in some sort of stupid 4-5 minutes of training before I head in to work as well.

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