Saturday, July 30, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2493

Yet another "killing it" weekend.

Slept until 0620, got in a fasted morning workout of

23 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells

12 burpees in 100 seconds

5 ABCs in 100

13 burpees in 100

5 ABCs in 100

I am sore in all sorts of crazy ways from how I have been living

Mowed the lawn for 90 minutes, took care of some errands, came home and crushed this


14x225 front squats

20x225 squats

25x225 SSB squats

30x225 deadlifts

I took the front squats too slow, primarily to make sure my shoulder/tricep would hold.  Absent that, I imagine I would have managed my traditional 15, but I was VERY pleased with how quick I got through the squats.  And, once again: rep 3 of those SSB squats REALLY makes me want to quit.  Last week's was a good audible, but you can't replicate how bad this one sucks.  Also, PR for getting the bar to actually land flat on the crash pads for once.

Then, air fried a bison tri tip

Which sounds like sacrilege, but it turned out AMAZING.  Mrs said it was her favorite way I've ever prepared it.

Served it up with a bunch of goodies

An iceberg and romaine salad, mashed cauliflower, local tomatoes, local radishes (sautéed in avocado oil) and some air fried calimari to make it full on surf and turn.  Added some local sweet corn but that was after I snapped the photo

Took the dog for a 1.5 mile walk afterwards, and managed 7 NG chins and 2 underhand ones, so the tricep/shoulder continues to heal.

I keep mentioning tricep/shoulder, and I think I know what happened.  I subluxed my shoulder on those deadlifts, and that was the initial injury, but I then obtained a SECONDARY injury when all the weight that was loaded onto that shoulder rapidly transitioned to the next nearest muscle.  At the time, I didn't feel the consequence of that because I was dealing with the shoulder.  This happened with the ACL too, and a few other injuries.  There's always a deconstruction that needs to happen.

Tomorrow will be meal prep and whatever training I fit in.  

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