Wednesday, July 6, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2470

AM WORKOUT (0530 natural wake up, rough night of sleep) FASTED

BLACKJACK: 40 minutes or bust

20 KB front squats w/45lb/20kg bells

1 hill run down

1 hill run up

1 KB clean and press (clean each rep)

1 hill run down

1 hill run up







Time: 40:39

Juarez Valley DKB clean once and press away (pace from bells to doorway and back between rounds)



* This was the workout I needed.  It wasn't too stressful on the body, but got in quality work and kept away from the explosiveness for a day.  Cleaning each rep on the presses went a long way.

* Hit up the Juarez Valley at the end just to get in a little more pressing volume.  All presses were strict, to really get some pump in the shoulders (for both blackjack and Juarez).  Focused on getting the head through the window.

* Pretty pleased with how Juarez turned out, going with the OG approach of "pacing the cell".  Very quick recovery between rounds.

* Hill runs were a good "break" between movements.  Been getting in a lot of volume there.

* Got in that mile run with the Mrs last night, and she reported we clocked in over 21k steps total for the day.  Pretty nutty.  Been eating my way through the city of San Diego this trip.  Go g-flux.

Also got in 100 unbroken burpees in 6:06, 25 ABCs with 20kg bells in 5 minutes, and a run with the Mrs


  1. Hey Emevas, if you had to fight the current day UFC heavyweight champ in a street fight, and could recruit anyone from history to back you up and make it a 2-on-1, who would you get?

    1. The sole berserker at the battle of Stamford bridge. If not him: Mas Oyama.
