Sunday, July 10, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2474

Slept off and on until 0610 and did the following fasted

23 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells

5 minutes of Burpee chins (32 total)

3 minutes of ABCs (3 per round)

Remainder of burpee chins to total 50 in a total training time of 15:09

I'll need to name this one, as I keep coming back to it for a 15 minute burner.  Kicking off with the ABCs redlines the heart, there's a chance for "rest" on those BCs, just to kick it up again.  And I find the burpee chin really is the ultimate compliment to the ABC, as far as low space/tech effect goes.

More gratuitous shirtless photos, because this is the joy of those first 2 weeks coming out of weight loss.  I am swelling up like crazy

Folks, weekends just can't contain the sheer amount of awesome in me.  

First, finished up crushing meal prep

Made an amazing spread for the family for dinner featuring some grassfed piedmontese hot dogs and a TON of local veggies and fruits (and piedmontese is actually local for us too)

Got in the daily work

Then, since my quads were feeling a little sore, I got this workout in

* Double Kettle Bell Clean Each Rep & Front Squat w/20kg bells

* 1 to 10 back to 1

* Don't set the bells down

Got to 10 before I had to set things down.  Total time was 11:05.  

And in 7.5 hours, we squat for real.


  1. Geez mate. You look like you're ready to be a playable character in Street Fighter II.

    1. Very much appreciate that dude! It's wild to have come this far.
