Friday, July 22, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2485

AM WORKOUT (0315 wake up via dog) SEMI-FASTED: Surge Workout Fuel Only

CHAOS IS THE PLAN, Day 1 of who knows


10x10 SSB Good mornings

* 90 seconds rest between sets

* Got 5x10 band pull aparts, 3x10 standing ab wheels and 1x40x360lbs Reverse hypers between sets


33 axle shrugs against short strong bands

15 KB kelso shrugs w/24kg bells

30 GHRs

25 pushdowns

10 dips



As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of the following circuit

* 5 KB front rack lunges

* 5 burpees

* 5x95lb SSB good mornings

* 10 dips

Got halfway through 5 rounds.  Finished up the 5th after 10 min expired.


* Chaos is the plan.  Went in for Week 3 of BBB Beefcake.  On the deadlift main work, I got to the second workset and couldn’t break the weight off the floor.   My body didn’t want to pull heavy today.  Decided to scrap it and move on to the supplemental work. First rep of the first set, I subluxed my left shoulder and felt some clicking/heard some popping.  Feeling a little swollen around the armpit.  Yesterday, on the first set of pull-ups, that area lit up and swole up.  Been getting some clicks and pops during squats.  Warning signs were there.  It’s been a few hours and I’m already feeling better than I was then, and my only real limitation seems to be on chins and pulling, but I called an audible and went with the SSB good mornings.

* Why SSB good mornings?  Good mornings because the movement pattern is similar to deadlifts, especially if you work to adopt a similar stance.  If I did these chain suspended, it would have been VERY similar.  SSB because it didn’t put the left shoulder in a compromised position, plus it takes the upper back a little more and doesn’t roll like a barbell does.  Zercher may have worked too.  Why 10x10?  Because we’re still eating like champs and need to grow.

* This was a solid enough salvage effort.  Only thing that sucked was time: I wasted a bunch working up to the injury.  Could have gotten much more in.  The good mornings were sufficiently brutal though.

* Conditioning circuit was a good grab bag of things I wanted to get done and didn’t have time for.  It’s been nice keeping lunges so recurrent.

* For those reading along, please don’t wish me a speedy recovery, to heal up, or express sympathy or pity for me.  This is a small, soft tissue problem that will resolve itself quickly.  I appreciate the sentiment behind the hopes and prayers, but Nietzsche talks about pity being one of man’s greatest sins for a reason.  This is an opportunity.

* In that regard: “Chaos is the plan”.  My weekend will still be it’s typical weekend, although I’m working a night shift between Sat and Sun.  After that, I’ll evaluate.  I’ve been testing things out, and I honestly still have a lot of movements available to me.  If I can’t get my arm in position to squat, the SSB will come up.  My plan was to break out the log for 1s week anyway.  The prowler remains awesome.  I can get along for a while.  OR, I might just take an unscheduled deload and blow my brains out on some ridiculous challenges.  I had “1000 dips” pop into my mind as I was coming into work, since I can manage 400 in 35 min with the bear complexes.  Or, if I’m totally broke, there’s SSB Super squats.  I have an abundance of options.

* I may have to genuinely be done with barbell deadlifts.  They seem to take more than they give these days.  The axle and the trap bar can do a lot for me.  Something I’ll have to consider for a while.

Finished the day off with 24 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells, then transitioned immediately to burpees.  Got 33 in 5 minutes, which, given it was a million degrees in the garage and I was gassed from the ABCs, was awesome.  Got in 15 average band assisted chins as well.  I'm reminding that left shoulder how to function.  So far, it's just pulling movements that cause issues.  

Got a stripe on my belt at Tang Soo Do as well.  I can still perform most of the movements.  Will see how "Monument to Non-existence" evolves tomorrow.


  1. Good mornings are so great when deadlifts aren't working out. Doing more with less. And I've heard so many stories of lifters pulling huge deadlift numbers after moving away from frequent deadlift training, focusing on other movements that hit the same targets.

    1. Hell yeah dude! That was the classic approach back in the day: build the things that build the deadlift and then just show up and pull. Worked then, bound to keep working.
