Saturday, July 16, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2479

Slept until 0615.  Really good/deep night of sleep.  Woke up and did a fasted workout of the following

24 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells (using 4 rounds of 75 seconds)

30 burpee chins in 5 minutes

5 minutes of medium-light-heavy (24kg-20-40) sets of 15 swings w/3 burpee chins between

5 minutes of alternating dips and standing ab wheel

25 pushdowns

50 pull aparts

30 GHRs


* Had my blood pressure and resting heart rate taken yesterday.  115/55 and a RHR of 45, post energy drink/caffeine.  Good sign of being big, strong and healthy.  I've managed to figure it out somehow.

* Starting the day with ABCs is pretty awesome, because I get one of the worst parts of my day over and done with, and with this workout in particular it kicks the heart rate into the red and then I just hang on

* Going straight into those burpee chins after the ABCs in gnarly.  Level changes really are the key.

* Bringing daily work back into the rotation as a "thou shalt" has been a positive for me.  I'm appreciating the creativity required to ensure I make it happen.

* For all those "straps weaken grip" folks: my forearms are absolutely destroyed from yesterday's Malcolm X axle deads, even though I used straps.  Been a while since they've been sore.

* On the note of soreness: all my upper body pressing muscles are sore from that 300 dip workout.  Been a LONG time since I've felt that.  Pretty awesome.  Makes burpees a treat.

* In Tang Soo Do, I focused on bringing violence back to my forms/hyungs.  I've been sleep-walking through them for too long.  This is a chance to practice intensity and violence, and ultimate make myself better.



15x225 front squats

20x225 squats

25x225 SSB squats

30x225 deadlifts

35x225 high handle trap bar lifts

Straight into 60+ minutes of lawn mowing


* This weekly workout continues to be one of THE defining things I engage in.  This is a weekly transformation.  I have an out of body experience when I perform it while, at the same time, experiencing every single second of agony.  The reps are inevitable: they WILL happen, no matter what I think, say or feel, yet every second I spend with that goddamn Safety Squat Bar on my back is a second I am spending thinking of just HOW I could quit.

* I REALLY want to discuss that SSB squat.  It is THE biggest deal in that movement.  It's absolutely wild how my whole body is just shutting down the whole time.  Wanna know the thing that hurts the most?  My calves.  They HATE whatever it is I'm doing at that time, and it's such a weird thing for me.  Otherwise, it's just "the everything" that's getting murdered.

* I keep getting questions about "why" I do this or what it trains, and that's just funny to me.

* It's worth considering that, this morning, I did 20 minutes of training.  This video is 15 minutes of training.  These 15 minutes blow those 20 minutes away.  Time tells only a fraction of the story.

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