Friday, July 8, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2472

BBB Beefcake Week 1, Day 1

AM WORKOUT (0330 natural wake up), rough night of sleep


Texas Power Bar touch and go Deadlifts






3x495 (not a full rep, but I had it if I wanted it)


BBB FSL Deadlifts superset/dips (90 seconds rest between first 4 sets, 120 for final)


Total time for supplemental/dips: 18:30


Reverse hyper into ab wheel into shrugs into shrugs into rows into pull aparts

Reverse hyper


25 standing ab wheel

30 Axle Shrugs against short strong bands

KB Kelso shrugs


Kroc rows


Band pull aparts

25 w/monster mini

25 w/mini

30 GHRs



20 EMOM rounds of AMRAP burpee chins, top of every minute, do 4 DKB front rack lunges (2 per side) w/24kbg bells

76 burpee chins completed

Finished out the 24 remaining chins to get 100 total


Here is the "before" photo

I was feeling REAL strong ramping up for the deadlifts, but on the topset I noticed I had opened up my shins again, and between that and my in-laws still being asleep upstairs, my heart wasn’t in the pull.  I got the final rep halfway up, coulda fought for it, but knew that the outcome would have been a very loud eccentric, so I set it down.  Felt a few pops and snaps through the body as well, but nothing terribly alarming.

I think my gameplan for this BBB run is “bare minimum reps” vs 5s or 3s pro.  So 5s on week 5, 3s on 3, and 5/3/1 on 5/3/1.  Should answer the mail using these TMs.  Regarding progression, I might actually keep the TMs the same for next cycle and just focus on crushing it.

Recovery between sets is solid.  Conditioning is really shining through, even with all the time away from the barbell.

In that regard, today was an excellent “wake up call” workout, as it’s the hardest day of the cycle.  My time with the kettlebells and dumbbells still did enough, but I should really be able to move full steam ahead when I get a feel for the equipment again.

Assistance work did the trick.  

Conditioning, I woulda preferred to break out the stone, but again, didn’t want to wake family.  It was good to get in some single leg work.

My elbow is feeling 100%.  Deload paid off.

Day 1 using Surge.  I think I’ll need to re-educate myself on proper protocol.  20oz of water went QUICK.  Did feel a little queasy training with stuff in my stomach, but in general it seemed to digest without issues.  Pre-mixed it the morning before, since I get up so early.  Had it with a slice of keto toast with sunflower butter to start the morning, then sipped on it through the workout until I was done with the main work.  Also got to use my Junk headband this morning as well.  I like it more than my $8 baseball caps from Walmart, but I still managed to sweat through it by the end of the workout.

Tang Soo Do and ABCs still on the radar for today. 

And, of course, the post training breakfast shot

RIP my Bob’s Burgers coffee mug, which met a tragic end due to insufficient counter-space this morning.  


Finished up the day with 25 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells (haven't skipped a beat) and an hour of Tang Soo Do.

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