Sunday, July 17, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2480

Slept until 0615 decently well, got up and did the following fasted

25 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells (that’s absolutely nuts for a first thing in the morning workout)

10 minute circuit of 3 burpee chins-10 dips-3 BCs-5 standing ab wheels

1 minute of ABCs (5 total)

20 burpee chins

50 pull aparts

25 pushdowns

Crushed meal prep

In the black containers is 1/2 of a porkchop and 1/2 of a salmon fillet, to later be populated with some sort of veggie (most likely zucchini). The bottom right container is filled with sautéed onions, to be used in omelets and other things through the week. The top right is sautéed peppers. The 5 big clear containers have a variety of meats in them, as I was clearing out my freezer. Chicken thigh meatballs, chicken tenderloins, pork chops and salmon fillets, all marinaded in a zero sugar added marinara sauce, on top of a bed of sauerkraut with broccoli.

Again: this is anabolism in photo.

And then dinner

1 salmon burger, 1 shrimp burger, both on low carb buns with local tomatoes, lettuce, Walden’s farm mayo and peanut butter spread (it’s good, but I prefer sunbutter), fat free cheese, chicken bacon and sautéed onions (there they are!) with air fried zuchinni straight from my garden, more local tomatoes, mashed cauliflower, local sweet corn and sugar free paleo ketchup

Open and close face photos

Got in a 1+ mile walk with the dog and the family in the morning, all of my daily work, and then this great little 10 minute WOD

EMOM: 2 stone to shoulders w/135lb Stone of Steel then 8 KB front squats w/24kg bells

I was covered in sweat when it was over: it's humid as hell and my knee is swelling like a grapefruit.

Malcolm X BBB Beefcake squats tomorrow: f**k yeah. 

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