Tuesday, July 5, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2469

AM WORKOUT (0530 natural wake up) FASTED

* 30 minutes, max reps of KB half snatch into a thruster w/45lb/20kg bells.

* Each time I put the bells down, there was a penalty.  

* 1 burpee over bells/1 hill run

Then 2 of each

Up to 5, then reset to 1 (so a penalty ladder)

I got through 67 reps in 30 minutes and went through 1 full penalty ladder and 3 reps into the next one.  I finished up the remaining 33 reps to get a full 100 without employing penalty ladder in 37:38


* I like the skeleton behind this, but if I were to do it again I'd only escalate the burpees and keep the hill runs at singles.  They were getting a little on the long side and easy to dog.  Premise was sound though: extending the penalty made it so I had more time between my snatch/thruster complex, which allowed for a pseudo-recovery.

* Really trying to focus on catching the snatch INTO a thruster vs snatch and then thruster.  Trying to make it smooth.

* My elbows are holding up pretty well. I've been pushing them and doing dumbs stuff here and there but it seems to be panning out.


28 ABCs in 5 minutes w/45lb/20kg bells


* Got this done after spending 5 hours walking around Sea World off of a protein bar.  Absolute LAST thing I wanted to do, which is why I did it.

* Figured out the plan for tomorrow: Blackjack of KB front squats and clean and press with the hill run in between

* Getting in a run later with the mrs followed by more walking

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