Thursday, July 28, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2491

AM WORKOUT (0328 Natural Wake Up) FASTED


100+lb keg

Prowler distance: LONG

* 8 loads to onto truck tailgate with keg

* Load keg onto prowler, high handle push

* Unload keg from prowler and carry back to truck

* Load keg onto tailgate, bear hug carry keg back to prowler

* Reverse drag prowler back to start

3 rounds of that in 35:20, followed by

* High handle push prowler w/keg, immediately reverse drag to start

Done at 40:20, allowed 40 seconds rest, then followed by

* 3 minutes max keg loads to tailgate (34 total, 4 rep PR)


* 21 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells, transition immediately to 

5 rounds of

* 10 dips

* 4 standing ab wheels

* 8 reverse hypers w/90lbs

* EMOM, do 1 ABC

Accomplished inside of 7 minutes, then finished off with 25 pushdowns and 50 pull aparts


* This workout definitely earned a name, because it was amazingly awful.  “Last Call” because of all the keg work, “Litvi” for the 8 loads at the start.  You’re putting away the booze, loading up the car with the drunks, pushing them home, then getting everything set up for the next shift.  @TwoJarSlave may appreciate that.  My alternative title was “Beer Muscles”, thinking in a similar way of stacking 8 sleepy drunks into the car and pushing them home before they get into more trouble.

* The 8 loads before the high handle really get your heart into the red zone, and that carry is agonizing back to start.  From there, I focused on getting as low on the keg as possible for the bearhug/carrying it as high onto my chest as possible so that my legs had some room to expand, but having a keg crushing your chest when you really want to breathe is just amazingly terrible.  There is temptation to cheat and grab the bottom rim, but a real bear hug carry will make you much better in general.  From there, the reverse drag feels like sweet relief but is still hammering the quads, and then it starts all over.

* 40 minutes is my stop point, and after 3 rounds I knew I couldn’t get in a full 4th, so I just went for a push and pull back to fill the space.

* Ending with the 3 minutes max keg load is a fantastic cherry on top, and I’m digging chasing after beating previous marks for the time being.  Very solid challenge.

* Those ABCs were ROUGH coming home, which is a good sign.  This workout caused a ton of fatigue.  Rest of it was just getting in daily work and riding out that high heart rate.  Had an earlier than usual showtime for work, so kept it short and sweet.

* No additional training obligations today.  Had steaks last night: making burgers tonight.  It’s an anabolic season.  Deadlifts tomorrow: plan is to use the low handles on the trap bar.

* On the shoulder healing from, I’m at the point that, if you put a gun to my head, I could do a pull-up.  Last week, I couldn’t even support my bodyweight from a dead hang.  This is great healing.


Managed 3 chins.  I'm pretty good at healing

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