Monday, July 11, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2475

AM WORKOUT (0320 natural wake up, better night of sleep)

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 1, Workout 2


Squat Warm-up (Jump-squat-row)

Box Jumps


Meadows Row


Buffalo Bar Squat








Buffalo Bar Squat



Bodyweight dips


90 seconds rest between sets 1 and 2, 1:15 between remainder of sets, total time 15:45


Belt squat into reverse hyper into ab wheel into chins into pull aparts into pushdowns into GHRs

Belt squat stripset (no rest/lockout)


Reps of 175,150, 125,100,75,50,25,Axle 

Reverse hyper


30 standing ab wheels

50 chins (done while putting away plates)

50 pull aparts

25 pushdowns

30 GHRs



“Medium-light-heavy swings w/level change”

* Lined up a 24kg, 20kg, and 40kg bell.  Start with the 24kg bell and do swings for a minute

* EMOM, do 5 burpees

* Next minute, move onto the 20kg bell, swings until the minute is up, 5 burpees, then the 40.

* 12 minutes total, 240 swings total


* I slept deep leading up to this, which was a pleasant change.  Think I’m back on the right timezone.

* My original gameplan would have had me squat the 475 for a triple, but I’m engaging in a “trust the process” approach here.  BBB Beefcake is about the supplemental work.  The main work is there to keep heavy reps grooved.  So long as I get that done, I’m happy.  And let’s review: I came back from vacation, wherein for 10 days all I’ve had was 45-50lb handweights to work with.  Upon my return, I jumped into the hardest workout of the cycle, then squatting for 60 reps with various barbells on Saturday, along with 69 KB front squat reps that day, then went on to perform 188 KB front squats on Sunday.  So I’m not too worried about squats.

* The supplemental work went awesome.  Having 4+min of wiggleroom bodes well for the 1s week, especially with those dips thrown in.  It was challenging, but not world ending.  Deep Water does a great job vector checking here, because BBB Beefcake is “only” 5 sets.  Very easy to get through.

* Belt squats were a warm welcome back.  Definitely need them back in my programming.  Can really feel the effect of it.  And rolling into all the assistance work straight through there is absolutely the right answer.

* Still like a goddamn blast furnace in my garage.  Sweating through everything.  It’s honestly what I prefer.

* I like what I came up with for conditioning.  It was ultimately just something quiet, since my in-laws were still asleep, but it really worked well.  They leave today, so noise can happen again.

* All that’s left is ABCs and neck, but I might get in a weighted vest walk too.  We’ll see.


Got in 24 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24 kg bells and actually got in a bonus Tabata prisoner squat workout during some downtime. Should help my quads recover.

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