Thursday, July 14, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2477

AM WORKOUT (0317 natural wake up)

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 1, Workout 4


Axle Bench Press






50 chins total accomplished in between sets, plate change rest periods


Axle bench press


* Pause the first 5 reps of the first set, then press away.  First 4 of the second set, First 3 of the third, etc.


Head supported bent over double KB rows


* 90 seconds of rest between sets, forgot to check total time after last set, but it was 20 minutes and 20 seconds after I finished up my dips (more on that later), so well within time.  On that note, I went straight from the last set of the rows into my assistance work.


Dips into raises into pushdowns into pull aparts into hypers into abs into neck

Dips (stripset, no rest)





37xBW (rest pause as needed)

Lateral raise stripset (no rest)





20xEmpty hands

25 pushdowns

50 pull aparts

Reverse hyper


20 standing ab wheels

Neck harness work

30 GHRs




300 bodyweight dips.  EMOM, do 2 Bear Complexes w/95lbs

Finished within 25 minutes


* Bench remains the day I’m the least excited about.  Like taking my vitamins: I know it’s good for me, so I do it.  270 was heavier than it should have been, but my press ability tends to fall apart when I’m this lean.  I can feel my shoulders being unstable in a LOT of what I do.

* The pause bench strategy for the BBB work was absolutely perfect.  10th rep of all sets was a near grinder.  Thanks once again Paul Kelso.

* Original plan was t-bar rows, but I let laziness dictate the plan.  Just didn’t want to set-up the landmine and compromise training floor space.  The KBs answered the mail.  I’m very much a “bodybuild the back” guy.  I don’t need heavy weight: I focus on technique, contraction and squeeze.  And if you look at my back, it works for me.

* I woke up much earlier than usual this morning and this workout is on the shorter side, so it gave me a chance to really push on the conditioning.  I came up with that evil little plan while drinking my shake.  Wanted to get in more pushing volume and get some knee flexion but keep the hips/PC on the low side since tomorrow is a deadlift day.  Also wanted something of a “so there” for the people that complain about the 200 dips in Buildnig the Monolith and “junk volume”.  It honestly wasn’t terrible.  I think a slightly heavier Bear complex might be the answer the next time.  Or, or course, burpee chins.  Level changes tend to be game changers, but I wanted to get in more dips.

* On the above, allow me to say that I am, in fact, the monster under your bed.  I will do a full bench workout and close it out with 300 dips, and you will watch me come back minute after minute to just keep slamming rep after rep.  There is no stopping this.


25 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells

But the real highlight

Don't act like you are gonna eat anything more anabolic than my bison tacos today

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