Sunday, September 27, 2015

Non-training day: injury update

Woke up this morning and couldn't walk.  Right glute was in too much pain. I actually had gotten out of bed in the first place because my dog jumped off the bed, and the punk used my immobility as an opportunity to pee on my bathroom door.  After a few minutes of hobbling things started to loosen up slightly and I was able to crotch down to the floor with a lot of theatrics.  Took a long shower, put a lot of heat on it, used some icy hot, rolled it out with a rolling pin, and I had all my basic mobility back.  Still a good deal of pain.

Then, after breakfast, I did something I've never done before: I took naprosyn.  I've always been a ibuprofen guy, and consequently never noticed it working, but after about a half hour I was completely pain free.  I had "awareness" that I was injured, but no pain.  I don't know if this is entirely the naprosyn or if the aggressive rehab is paying off, but as a result I actually took today off from the rehab schedule because I didn't want to run the risk of pushing my injured part without being able to feel any warning pain.  I'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Morning weight was 191.8.  Great showing after a cheat meal dinner.  I expect my weight to be up slightly more tomorrow.  Playing a little looser with the diet in terms of food quantity, but quality has remained the same.  Eating a lot of greek yogurt.  Additionally, looks like the season is over for wild blueberries, so I'm now eating a blackberry/blueberry mixture for my breakfasts.

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