Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Training Log: Entry 2534



Buffalo bar Squats 265lbs

Set 1: 1x36 bodyweight dips
Set 2: 1x20 Band pull aparts
Set 3: 1x1x200lb log cleans

Notes: Weird workout.  Things were moving great right until set 8, and then it just suddenly dawned on my body how awful this workout was.  Had to lay down between set 9 and 10, and after that I left the garage without putting away the weights and just layed down on my bed for 5 minutes with the fan blowing on me before taking a cold shower and chugging a Rockstar to kill an exertion headache.  Feeling good now, but still.  Few factors.  Slept at work the night before, and most likely a little dehydrated/undernourished heading in.  Still stuck with sub 2 minute rests until set 10, which was just about getting through it.

Woke up at 195.8. 

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