Sunday, March 3, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2391


Boxing heavy bag 8 rounds
2:10 on w/ 25 seconds between rounds

Notes: Slightly more work time and slightly less rest time, with more focus on hitting hard with heavy hands AND some defense.  Finished up that book "Championship Streetfighting" and I highly recommend it for anyone with an interest in boxing and applying it to MMA/"THE STREET!"  Got in my head about angles and moving in AND out after an exchange.  Pretty exhausting.

No weigh in this morning.   


  1. I will definitely check this out, thanks for the recommendation. I notice you've been mentioning some shoulder pain; any correlation to starting up the bagwork again or no? I've noticed that my front delts are what I have to "manage" the most when doing lots of striking and upper-body lifting.

    1. Hope you enjoy the book. Reading it in the context that it's written is pretty key. Came out in '97, so like 4 years after UFC 1, and does a fantastic job of laying down stuff we all take for granted now. People still didn't consider boxing a legitimate fighting art, and having someone explain how and where it fits in within the realm of combat in total is pretty cool. Dude goes on to talk about how well it blends with wrestling and judo too. Gets a little "tough guy" at some point, but the bravado isn't uncommon.

      Bag isn't the real culprit; shoulder actually feels good there. It's the snow shoveling that's getting to it. Lots of breaking up the ice and then having to launch the snow, since it's been snowing so much my pile is taller than me. Nothing some glucosamine can't fix. It's more the labrum than the muscles themselves in my case, from what I can tell.

    2. Wait. People don't consider boxing a legitimate fighting system?

      I keep forgetting I'm weird because there's so many Chinese systems that have boxing at the end of their names I just figured it was another system because it's just called boxing.

      Like, you have boxing and wrestling and fundamentally everything just falls into one of those two groups.

  2. I did some heavy bag work after my bench press today. Feels pretty good honestly. My conditioning sucks so much :/

    1. Took me a while to rediscover the conditioning, but it's a great workout.

    2. I cut it out for awhile because I was just not meeting my strength goals.

      That sounds stupid now that I type it out. But I basically just lifted 6 days a week and made loads of progress. Now that my projected lifts are where I want them to be, I'm adding it back in. Mostly because I was at risk of coming in above my weight class.
