Sunday, January 24, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2411

AM WORKOUT (0315 wake up via alarm: breakfast of 3 hard boiled cage free organic eggs and 3oz grassfed sirloin)

SUPERSETS (chin-bench): only resting long enough to change plates

Chins (underhand)



1x12+5+3 (rest pause)

Axle bench press





SUPERSETS (bench-row): 1 minute rest between sets

Axle bench press 181


DB row 115


DB press mechanical advantage dropset (lowering incline a notch each set w/rest pause: 12 deep breaths between set) 75lbs

(6-Seated upright press)x9







Band pull aparts


Poundstone Curls


25 band pushdowns

Post lifting meal: Egg white shake w/protein powder and greens supplement

Tabata Rounds on BAS

20 standing ab wheel

40 BW reverse hyper

Notes: I’m really digging SVR II again. I’m meandering less in my training and have far more a laser focus on what needs doing, and once that is done, THEN I meander. Got the main work done in an hour today, and then used some extra time to knock out most of my daily work: just owe some dips and GHRs.

Set a goal of 100 chins before moving on to something else. I wanna get more rowing in, just because rowing is awesome. I’ve gotten a few glimpses of my back recently and it looks like that’s where all my muscle gain is going, which is cool, because big backs are also awesome. Sub-max DB rowing is something I’ve done a bit of in the past. I’ve shied away from it recently because unilateral work takes longer than bilateral, but now that I have a little more training time available it’s become viable again.

The BBB work isn’t terribly challenging yet, so I can keep the rest periods stupid short on it. The final rep of the final set was tough, but not a grinder. If need be, I’ll implement pausing or something, but right now it’s answering the mail.

Always wanted to do that mechanical advantage dropset on the benching. Once again, multiple avenues available to make it even crazier. Can throw on the slingshots or change weights or finish it off with some push ups (in retrospect, I shoulda done that: next time), etc etc. I plan to keep it on the BBB days, since I’m already doing straight sets of pressing.

Breakfast worked well. Much faster than having to cook anything.

Finished up the day with Tabata KB snatches with the 45lb bell.  This was my first time ever doing the movement: I really dig it.  I was curious if my shoulders would be stable enough, but it seems they hold up well.  Got an option with DBs sometime too. 

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