Wednesday, May 18, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2422

*AM WORKOUT (0420 wake up via wife’s alarm) FASTED*

**22 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells**

**Transition immediately to Tabata intervals.  32 rounds of the following approach**

>2 daily work movements

>Double KB snatches w/24kg bells


>My order broke down to chins, then ab wheel, then snatches, then dips, then reverse hyper.  Kept doing movements until I hit goal rep totals of

>50 chins

>50 dips

>40 reverse hypers (in retrospect, I did 50)

>20 standing ab wheels

>Also managed 50 band pull aparts and 25 pushdowns


**18 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kb Bells**

**Neck work**

*2 hours and some food later*


52 push ups in a minute (Max score, accomplished in a little over 30 seconds)

52 sit ups in a minute (Max score, accomplished around 45 seconds)

1.5 mile run in 11:25


* Formatted it a little weird just to make it easier to understand.  Broken down, I opened with 5 minutes of ABCs, went into 16 minutes of Tabata circuits with combinations of bodyweight work and KB snatches, rested long enough to grab a shake and then came right back in and hit another 5 minutes of ABCs.  I had been wanting to try this for a while, and today shook out well for it.  Because I had that fitness test in the morning, I didn’t want to do anything too terribly stupid, and we had a bunch of thunderstorms in the evening which took from my ability to go weighted vest walking or hit the prowler, so it all worked out.  I love that I’m the kind of animal that can come BACK and get 18 ABCs in 5 minutes AFTER all that work I put in beforehand.  I feel like that is a significant marker of ability.

* Once again, double KB snatches are just something special.  Throwing them in was keeping my heart rate plenty spiked.  Going through that circuit after the ABCs was amazingly awful.

* Zero issues with that fitness test.  Once again: whatever I’m doing is working.  I’ve never felt more “in shape”.  I was dogging the run until the very last lap, and then decided I wanted to beat every single person there, so pushed the pace hard enough to take first AND lap one of the dudes that was dragging.  As the oldest dude there, that was rewarding.  And normally I need to spend 6 weeks prepping for this in order to get a sub-12 minute run time, so being able to hit it right out the gate AFTER a morning workout where I hit 120 front squats, 80 cleans and 40 presses on top of all that other stuff is definitely a sign of good things.

Finished up with Tang Soo Do for the night.  Mrs and I were complimented on our 1-steps. Told we're performing above our current belt rank.  Jump kicks are getting a little better on the knees.

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