Friday, October 7, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2562

AM WORKOUT (0500 wake up via alarm)

**5/3/1 FOR HARDGAINERS** Week 6, Workout 4 (final workout)


Low handle trap bar pull






50 band pull aparts


5x5x375 low handle trap bar pulls, performed EMOM


100 burpee KB swings into a chin, w/40kg bell


20 thrusters into 25 front squats into 30 squats into 35 deadlifts w/135lbs


* Been a whole week of protocol breaking, between it simply being the last week of the program and having to deal with weird injuries.  I actually wanted to do 100 stone to shoulders today, but between the bicep and the rib it was a no go.  If I had just ONE of those, I’d make it work, but working around two tends to be when things go south.

* That said, I think this was really the way to go from the start.  EMOM 5x5 FSL is a very solid challenge, and then I got all the assistance work knocked out at once.  If I were to redo THAT part, I’d make it a circuit rather than one movement.  I used to do a burpee/dip/chin circuit that was pretty solid.  While doing this one, I realize that, the other day, I did 100 burpee chins with a 60lb vest, and this was basically an easier version of that with just a swing in the middle.  Snatches might have been the right call instead.  Thinking out loud some more, I think the most obvious solution would have been devil press into chins.  But this is why we experiment. 

* Lunchtime workout was a product of the travel day: just wanted to get something quick and brutal done before I flew.  Gonna be bodyweight/running only for the weekend.  I most likely need the downtime to heal.

* “Diet starts Monday”, as cliché as it is. More like Tuesday with travel, but still, entering what should, ideally, be the “pre-Super Squats” phase.

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