Tuesday, October 25, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2577

AM WORKOUT (0320 natural wake up)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 3, Workout 2

7 rounds in 30 minutes of:

* 10x135lb barbell thrusters

* 5x135lb barbell clean each rep and strict press

* 50 pull aparts

* 25 pushdowns

Poundstone Curls




24 Tabata rounds of burpee chins and 123lb axle clean and strict press

* Burpee chins on the 20, axle on the 10.  

* First 8 rounds was 3 BCs, next 8 2, final 8 1


* Original plan was 45 minutes, but I had to tap out.  My right forearm was in agony.  Squats most likely put some strain on it.  It’s also pretty rare that I use a barbell for so much cleaning outside of TABEARTA.  I’m so used to using an axle and not having any rotation, so I was death gripping this and man handling it, and it just made things worse.  I like this idea behind this though: overhead through a variety.  Those were some SLOW thrusters.  I may end up combining a bit of all these weeks together next week and do something like thrusters from the rack and log vipers.

* Amazingly, the Poundstone curls felt good on my connective tissues.  In that regard, the victory from today is that my LEFT bicep/forearm had no issues.

* That conditioning at the end was a solid bit of redemption.  Got in some reps too.


24 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells (20 unbroken, new PR)


* My elbows thought this was a bad idea. 

* F**k them.

* That press on 20 was garbage, but that's pretty cool because it means I'm outrunning my lungs and finally running into muscular weakness as the limiting factor, and BOY do I know how to fix that.


  1. I love that self-reply to your elbows haha. Hope your body gets the message you're pounding into it and heals up that forearm.

    1. You know it! It seems to be moving in a good direction. We're adapting, if nothing else.
