Sunday, October 23, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2575

Slept off and on until 0700 and did the same fasted workout as yesterday because it's a real burner.  TABATA burpee chins, get in 4 per 20 seconds, and then do 1 bear complex during the 10 seconds down time. Once again, found some magic there.

Got home between dropping off groceries and heading out to my kid's sporting event and knocked out 26 ABCs in 5 minutes with 24kg bells, getting 17 unbroken to start.  I legit just shucked off my t-shirt and kept on my dad-mode cargo shorts

Sprained the tendon in my left forearm which I'm pretty sure is actually my retracted bicep tendon, which is kinda funny really.  I'll see how nice it plays for the rest of the week.

Bar is loaded for Zenos tomorrow.  Brought my new Ironmind axle down into my basement so that it won't get as much patina as my now beater one.


  1. Hey MythicalStrength, would you feel comfortable calling a prime Anderson Silva the best "pound for pound" MMA fighter ever? If not him, who would you argue for as a contender?

    Also, big respect for how much work you're accomplishing with a torn bicep!

    1. Thanks for that man. I don't follow MMA close enough to be able to answer that
