Friday, October 21, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2573

AM WORKOUT (0335 wake up via alarm)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 2, Workout 5


(3) Texas deadlift bar touch and go mat pulls
12+5+5x405+chains (12 deep breaths between sets) (2 rep PR with longer ROM)

* 50 band pull aparts


12 minute EMOM:

* Odd minute: 316lb axle deficit deads

* Even minute: 225lb SSB squat


* 40x380 reverse hyper

* 30 GHRs

* 30 standing ab wheel



AMRAP in 10 min of

* 3x226 axle deads

* 3x135 SSB front squat

* 5 chins

* 5 dips

Got through 7, timed out on the 8th

* 30 axle shrugs against strong short bands


* My motivation for deads is pretty much gone these days, which is so unique considering this was “my lift”, but maybe that’s why: I’m over it.  That said, it was dandy seeing growth between the two weeks.  I’m re-learning the skills to be able to move hard and heavy again.  For the most part, a ROM progression mat pull workout is an exercise in pain tolerance.  You set up knowing that the first rep is going to suck and hurt a lot, and that, after that, all the other reps are ALSO going to suck and hurt, and you just hold on until you can’t.  From there, it’s a matter of how long you can hold your breath (I got to 8 reps this time) and then how much you can endure.  Really focusing on trying to bring my hips though.  Didn’t cause nearly as much damage as last time, AND managed to hit a PR in blown out blood vessels, so lots of wins.

* That EMOM supplemental workout is just “the answer”, as much as I can’t stand it.  Any time I try to hide from it, I don’t grow.  Meanwhile, one of these days, I need to knuckle down and make a whole workout out of it, because it’s transformative.

* I like what I came up with for conditioning.  It wasn’t a lung breaker, but I got in even more volume from weird angles.  I’m pulling with weightlifting shoes there, which is always unique.  Nearly forgot shrugs too, until I started cleaning up the training space.


TABEARTA.  It still sucks, but I recover better.

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