Wednesday, October 19, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2571

AM WORKOUT (0415 wake up via alarm) FASTED

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 2, Workout 3


* 1 PBJ (TABEARTA w/95lbs w/3 complexes per round+5 min Burpee Chins (31 total)+50 KB swings w/40kg bell)

* 5 minutes of ABCs w/24kg bells, 15 total (3 per round EMOM)

* .5 PBJ (4 round TABEARTA, 2.5 min BC (11 total), 25 swings)



* 30 GHRs


* EMOM, buy-in w/3x135 front squat, then fill the rest of the minute with either dips, standing ab wheel, 90lb reverse hyper, band pull aparts or pushdowns until all numbers hit.  Took 8 rounds.  Spent the 9th round going for max reps on the front squat and got 12 done


* I’ll keep patting myself on the back here, but I keep discovering gold.  For the life of me, I don’t know if I can come up with a more effective 20-ish minute workout than Kindergarten.  It just hits everything from all sorts of angles and leaves me floored.  Key points are the transition from the swings to the ABCs and from the ABCs to the half TABEARTA.  That’s where we “find ourselves”.  The burpee chins occupy a nice spot in that it’s a chance to breathe if you want it, but you can also knuckle down and make something of yourself through it.

* All that said, once again: this was the absolute last thing I wanted to do this morning.  Motivation even more shot than usual, and I attribute that to being outside a gaining phase.  Always hard to get to “why” when I’m not building.  But, like taking your medicine, once it was over I was glad I did it, AND doing something this ball busting helps.  If I had just gone for a weighted vest walk, I’d really have been miffed.

* The daily work circuit at the end was a nice touch, specifically with the front squats for buy in.  Definitely need to get more of those in.

* No real follow up planned for now.  Tang Soo Do was canceled tonight, so family might just get some reps in.  Tomorrow, I’m throwing on the vest and doing a LOT of weighted vest push ups.


Got in a quick 15 keg one motions in 1:30.  I am definitely feeling yesterday's workout.  Had to tape up my vest for tomorrow: plan on treating myself to a new one soon.

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