Monday, March 6, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2700

AM WORKOUT (0455 natural wake up) FASTED


8 rounds of:

* 8 burpee chins
* Run around the block  

In 30 minutes


* Deload starts today, and with it my re-introduction to running.  Good call too, because I took off like a cartoon for those first few steps.  Right hip is still buggy from Super Squats and effectively wouldn’t “open up” for the first stretch, but it warmed up and I could start moving like a human soon after.  Litvinov style approach here hitting the 8s and then taking off.  I made a point to RUN, rather than jog.  It wasn’t a sprint, no, but it was an uncomfortable pace.  

* High speed/low drag is the theme of this week. I want to avoid elaborate workouts and just get back to basic human movement and athleticism.  Alongside that, the diet is high speed/low drag, leaning heavy into the Velocity Diet/Apex Predator Diet.  Primarily Metabolic Drive powder with 1-2 solid food meals.

* I’m making the most of this deload by getting as much sleep as I can as well.  These are simple workouts, set up is minimal, time commitment is small, and because my breakfast requires significantly less prep time I can really sleep up until the last minute.  I have an alarm set for 0500, but imagine I’ll get up before it.  If I have more time, I’ll fill in some daily work, but the priority is getting the running in so I can build back up before my 10 mile race.

* Wore my knee sleeves.  Not sure if I’ll wear them on my race day, but for today it was a good call.  Right knee is still buggy from the squats.


As many humane burpees as possible in 5 minutes. Think I got through 8. Good return to form to get back in the 5 minutes of conditioning. Re-discovering myself.


  1. MythicalStrength, I concede that MAS Wrestling is a noncontact combat sport. But why? What is the special characteristic that make a noncontact sport a combat one?

    1. Why not ask them dude?

    2. Thanks I just messaged them. Hope they reply.

    3. Awesome man: hope you get the answers you are looking for.
