Monday, March 20, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2713

AM WORKOUT (0440 natural wake up)

**5/3/1 KRYPTEIA PHASE 1** Week 2, Workout 1

Front squats
5x295 (re-rack between rep 4 and 5 due to bar slipping)

Weighted chins

Weighted dips

Band pull aparts

Time: Sub 36 minutes

20 standing ab wheels
25 pushdowns
25 band curls


* Yet again: it’s Krypteia, so the dips and chins are done in between the sets of front squats, and the pull aparts were brought out before the topset of 295.  Are front squats part of Krypteia?  No: but I’m doing this as part of my “post Super Squats recovery”.  I had a bar behind my back for so long that I need to undo that, and this should also gear me up for some heavy buffalo bar squatting next week.  The pinched nerve in my back doesn’t seem to be getting any better: it healed to about 85% and is just hanging there, but it doesn’t interfere with my training.  Driving and sitting at the dinner table is agonizing, but living and moving is good.

* Very pleased with squat depth and strength here.  Had no TM and just kinda winged it.  Experienced a small slip on the topset, and my right hip still doesn’t care for fully locking out, but it was a good day of training, especially considering how “off” life has been schedule/nutrition-wise.

* The weekly carb-up continues to be the right protocol: filled back out and looking leaner compared to Friday.  I like having squats to start the week with that as well.  This week will allow for more consistent compliance as well: in-laws have departed and I’m working the full week so fewer “3 meal days”.

PM workout was 2.5 minutes alternating between 5 slam ball burpee into a slam, 5 burpee broad jumps, and bear crawling back to start.  Really digging what I've come up with there to get in some jumps, throws and conditioning. 


  1. Amazing job sir. Would you ever return to Krypteia in periods where you're not limited by time?

    1. Thanks man! I'm running it right now when I'm not limited on time: no need to return.
