Saturday, March 25, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2718

Slept off and on until about 0700, got up and got in a fasted 2.5 minutes alternating between 5 slamball burpee slams, 5 burpee broad jumps, and bear crawling back to start.

Post breakfast, I got in Fran in a time of 5:38.

Had a massive cheat meal.  Full chorizo breakfast burrito and half a plate of carne asada fries, alongside half of my kid's quesadilla at a local Mexican spot.  Some food porn.  They're stock photos, but a great representation of what I put away

I legit haven't had an appetite since.

Somehow, I waddled my way into the gym and did this

20 minute EMOM
Odd minute: 3x225 front squat, 1x135 log viper
Even minute: 1x225 front squat, 3x135 log viper
After time is up, 20x135 front squat

The burnout at the end REALLY sealed it.

Took the dog for a 1.5 mile walk after that.  This was honestly like the perfect weekend.  Time with the family, training here and there throughout, a big enjoyable communal meal that recharged the soul, a walk: this is what it's all about.


  1. Hello MS. Just wondering, how do you reconcile "assistance work on 5/3/1 is filler" and "most popular main lifts aren't that great for hypertrophy." Wouldn't these thoughts result in "5/3/1 isn't that great for hypertrophy."

    1. Hey man,

      Programming is the driver of hypertrophy :)
