Sunday, March 26, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2719

Rougher night of sleep, most likely from higher caffeine intake.  Got up around 0730, got in a fasted 2.5 minutes alternating between 5 slamball burpee slams, 5 burpee broad jumps and bear crawls back to start.

Fantastic keto lunch of chicken wings.  Before that, got in a dandy training session.

Death by axle Clean and Press
EMOM, axle clean and press w/136lb axle.  Between rounds, do KB swings w/24kg bell.  Each round, add a rep.

Got through 8 rounds.  Failed on the 9th at rep 6.  Finished out for 10 minutes with KB swings.

Had an amazing dinner.  

6oz piedmontese sirloin, some leftover scrambled eggs from breakfast (steak and eggs is ALWAYS the answer), some olives, broccoli, celery and black coffee.  Honestly, I'm so pleased that there is no "fake food" to be found here.  It's one of the big things this nutritional reset has done for me.  There is so much goodness to be had out there with real, honest to god food.  I don't need a bunch of artificial junk.  ...but I'm STILL putting away a bunch of diet soda, haha. 


  1. Hey man, how do you order your steaks cooked at restaurants and also who is your favorite Street Fighter and/or Mortal Kombat character?

    1. I dig these questions!

      Rare in most cases, Balrog (boxer, not claw) and Scorpion
