Monday, March 27, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2720

AM WORKOUT (0435 natural wake up)

**5/3/1 KRYPTEIA PHASE 1** Workout 9

Buffalo Bar Squat
3x455 (tapped out due to hip pain)

Weighted chins

Weighted dips

Band pull aparts

Time: Sub 43 minutes

20 standing ab wheels
25 pushdowns
25 band curls


* Moved pretty slow on this one today.  Biggest contributing factor was right hip pain.  You can see it in the video: I’m constantly buckling under the load, and the re-rack takes a LONG time.  One of those parts of Super Squats I haven’t fully bounced back from yet.  Rotating movements has been helpful, but the other part is I need to avoid full lockout for a while.  I may honestly perform a training phase without any Buffalo Bar squat at this rate.  But I was pleased with what I could accomplish even with those variables at play.   A triple of 455, in pain, after hard sets of 5, running off of protein shakes, first thing in the morning, between super sets, with no rest?  Hell yeah: I’ll take that.

* Assistance work continues to progress well. Big fan of that part of this program.

* Starting to see some awesome leanness.  I am really flat first thing in the morning, but getting a shake and some training in me brings out fullness.  Especially so given I’m riding that post cheat-meal carb up.

* Will get in some jumps, throws and conditioning later.  Heavy week will continue, and from there I’ll evaluate the way forward.  Might stick with Krypeia as designed, might go to the next phase of it, or might ty Jamie Lewis Feast/Famine/Ferocity protocol.  All have their charms.  10 mile race is on 8 Apr, and I work 12s for a week starting 11 Apr, so that contributes.


PM Workout was the tabata slam ball burpee slam/burpee broad jump/bear crawl.  Still magic.  30 GHRs too.

I pulled the trigger on a viking press attachment, and that comes on the heels of me deciding that I'm going to do at least 3 weeks of Jamie Lewis' "Famine" training protocol following this week of Krypteia.  It's too shiny for me to pass up.  I'm making modifications to suit the equipment I have in the gym gym, but that's what I love about getting to yes.  Viking press will replace machine press, t-bar/viking handle rows to replace machine rows, I'll dust off my cable set-up, belt squats can replace leg extensions or I'll do some reverse hyper version of it, GHRs can replace leg curls, calf raises most likely won't happen but maybe so, and I may throw in SSB squats instead of squats just because of how borked the hip is.  I'm excited to see how this goes, and "famine" should be about right for my upcoming 7+ days of 12s.

I did meal prep in 2 minutes today for 3 lunches; took leftover chicken breasts from my Costco rotisserie chicken and split it into 3 containers with some scrambled eggs.  High speed/low drag for sure.

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