Friday, March 10, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2704

AM WORKOUT (0445 natural wake up) Fasted


7 rounds in 30 minutes of

* 4 burpee chins
* Run around the block 

w/25lb vest


* Was able to complete the burpee chins of the 8th round right when the timer expired.  No rain or snow this morning, so I was able to push the running pace a little harder.  The 25lbs limited that a touch, but still no climate restraints.  I was working hard yet not really taxing my heart or lungs: an interesting situation.  My right shoulder is a little inflamed from the odd angle push ups with the vest, and that pinched nerve in my back/neck is taking a LONG time to heal.  But my tricep/lat tear seems to really be in a good way, which bodes well for deadlifting in the next training block.  This is the final day of the deload, as my weekend training will be pretty standard “whatever I can” fair.  After that is done, next training phase begins, with a 10 mile run somewhere in April.

* “Family man diet” will go into effect on the weekend as well.  I’ve managed through this week to abide by the high volume of Metabolic Drive while still having family meals, and a big part of that is being away from the family at work for the majority of the intake.  For the weekends, Metabolic Drive intake will reduce and more whole foods will be consumed, but I can still see it replacing a few between meal snacks.  I’m also taking the first 3 days of the next week off from work, as it’s my kid’s spring break and my in-laws are coming into town, so there again real life happens and I’ll adapt.  This wasn’t ever going to be a full on run of the Apex Predator Diet, but it’s taking as much of it as I can and making it fit me, pretty much how I do anything.

* More Tang Soo Do sparring tonight, and most likely another short/hard conditioning session.


21 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells


* Took it slow and smooth for my return to these.  My knees are still pretty upset about Super Squats and my forearms are finally in a good way, so I don't want to undo any of that.  The fact I can knock out 21 while going slow and smooth is pretty clutch.  Got the heart going.

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