Tuesday, November 7, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3099

AM WORKOUT (0422 natural wake up, GREAT night of sleep)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN: THE CIMMERIAN CHRONICLE** Week 3, Day 2: “Battling the Skrae with the Aesir Alliance”

40 Minutes 

* 20 Viking Thrusters w/90lbs loaded 

* 1 20kg KB Devil Press 

then 19-2, 18-3, etc. Go as far as you can. 

I was on rep 2 of 12 Devil Presses when time expired 

*13 minutes of Dan John’s ladder for prisoner squats and push ups (2-3-5-10)*

* 8 ladders complete


Walk w/wolf (no vest)


* The story: The Skrae are unholy demons called upon to defeat out Cimmerian, and his fragile alliance with the Aesir allows him to just barely hold on. As combat continues, the Skrae grow in numbers as the Aesir are cut down. Eventually, only the Cimmerian will remain.

* This is a typical “blackjack” workout, but the story helps make it awful.  Viking presses tie in the Aesir, which are a Viking like tribe in the Hyborian era.  The Skrae come straight out of Conan #4.  


* They are supernatural demonic creatures summoned by a witch to hunt down our Cimmerian.  Demonic ties well enough into those Devil Presses.  In turn, I have really the “perfect” overhead workout: one movement is accomplished via knee extension, the other is done via triple extension.  Similar to how thrusters and snatches play well together, I have a thruster, a snatch AND a level change all built in.  A harmony disrupter of some type may have been helpful, but I think I actually stayed pretty honest with my work here.  I was feeling the exhaustion from round 1 onward.

* Thrusters eventually collapsed into strict presses, and I need to make sure to stay mindful on the devil presses to keep that hip in there.

* Rounded out with the push ups and squats to make it a for real full on conditioning day.  And I figure I got in some squats with the thrusters and push ups with the devil presses as well, so I’m in a good way.  Went without the vest on the walk because today was so brutal with conditioning AND I should (in theory) get my combat training today with Tang Soo Do sparring, so that’s even more activity.

* Famine continues on, and I’m growing anxious for the feast.

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