Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Training Log: Entry 3120

AM WORKOUT (0420 natural wake up, good night of sleep)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN: THE CIMMERIAN CHRONICLE** Week 6, Day 2: The Cimmerian Crucible

Log DT (5 rounds of 12 deadlifts, 9 hang cleans, 6 jerks) w/100lb log

Axle Grace (30 floor to overheads) w/136lb axle

Fran (21-15-9 Thruster and Kipping chins) w/95lb barbell

Isabel (30 snatches) w/20kg kettle bell (30 snatches per arm)

Total time: 40 minutes and 20 something seconds

16 minutes of Dan John’s ladder for Prisoner Squats and Push Ups (2-3-5-10).  No idea on rep total: something over 200


Walk w/wolf wearing 50lb weighted vest


* Came up with this last night.  DT ALWAYS wrecks me, and the biggest reason is because my clean is just absolute garbage, to say nothing of my hang clean.  The log was a good way to overcome that, but I still had to scale the weight down quite a bit to make it work.  You can see in the footage that it still absolutely wiped me out.  I liked being able to have all the implements loaded ahead of time and being able to transition rather quickly between the workouts.  I definitely caught myself stalling a bit there, and there’s some room to clean it up, but this is pretty solid.

* My back was totally wrecked when Grace rolled around.  Threw on the belt in case I needed to continental, but was able to clean every single rep, which was outstanding.  I was trying to control the noise on the eccentric, which had me moving a little slower than I’d like to.

* Fran is always a miserable experience.  Really tried to focus on moving a bit quicker on the front squat portion of the thruster.  Isabel was just a target of opportunity: I saw how much time I had left for a 40 minute workout and just went for what was available.  20kg bell isn’t even half of the RX weight of 135, but it still gassed me at the end.

* Really tried to focus on moving fast on the squats and push ups.  Reps are good, but we can make this a workout as well.

* Weighed in at 174.8 after my shower this morning.  That’s the heaviest I’ve been in quite a while.  It’s outstanding to see that the protocol is working.  I’m building muscle, staying lean, and getting stronger on my lifts.  Really figured something out here.  Also glad I signed up for the correct weight class for my competition. 


  1. Hey MythicalStrength, when you set your state deadlift record at 181, had you done a water cut or did you weigh-in at your natural weight with no worry about it per your modern approach?
