Wednesday, November 29, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3121

AM WORKOUT (0424 natural wake up, good night of sleep, wanted more)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN: THE CIMMERIAN CHRONICLE** Week 6, Day 3: “Tribute To The Great Warriors”

(4) Axle Mat Pull


20 minutes of EMOM axle Klokov Press (66lbs) and band pull aparts

Sets of 10 or 5 on the presses, sets of 10 on the pull aparts

Breathing Squats w/pull overs


20 standing Wheel of Pain

10x115 Kroc row


Walk w/wolf (no weight vest)


* Absolutely did not want to do any overhead work this morning, and honestly really only wanted to get after the breathing squats.  Sleep just sounded really good.  It’s awesome to be sleep seeking compared to how I used to be, but I was also satisfied once this was over.  Came up with the idea to hit up the Klokov presses in the middle of the night and that was an excellent choice.  In general, this may actually be THE ideal workout.  Heavy pulls to start, the Klokov presses and pull aparts completely blew up my shoulders, and when it came time to squat everything was lubricated and smooth and it moved really well, polished off with hard ab work, rows and walking.

* The story: this workout absolutely pays tribute to the great iron warriors before me.  We have Bob Peoples’ ROM progression deadlifts, Klokov in the presses, John McCallum and Randall Strossen in those breathing squats, and Louie Simmons and Dan John in the squats with chains.

* Doing Klokov’s with the axle adds even more of an element of suck to it, as the bar is placed even further away from center mass.  I forgot how to do them on the first set, but figured it out as I went.  Sets of 10 proved too ambitious, so I landed on some 5s for a while as well.  I know I got over 150 reps total, and even worked some muscle/power snatches into to the equation.

* Breathing squats are definitely finding my limits.  The chains have been a fantastic addition.

* Went without the vest.  This workout was heavy enough.

* Tang Soo Do last night went well enough.  Nothing too extreme, but good to get the reps in.

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