Friday, November 24, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3116

Slept until about 0730, woke up and got in 50 prisoner squats and 50 push ups using Dan John's ladder

After a fantastic breakfast, did a burpee and alternating single arm KB clean and press w/20kg bell for 5 minutes followed by a 2 mile walk wearing a 50lb weighted vest with my wolf

Lived life, had a great lunch of about 7 burger patties and 2 slices of swiss cheese from Culver's working some fast food ordering wizardy, then did this workout when I got home.

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN: THE CIMMERIAN CHRONICLE** Week 5, Day 5: The Cimmerian Swears To Never Drink Again

23x230+chains breathing squats w/pull overs, into 30 minutes of cleaning and pressing a 100lb keg over my head (118 reps managed during that time)

And 20 standing Wheels of Pain

I feel the need to point out that I am RIDICULOUSLY sore from pulling 301 reps on the trap bar yesterday.  Specifically in my traps (go figure).  So holding that bar on my back was super fun, as was cleaning a f**king keg 118 times.

Chased it down with an amazing "meat and eggs" dinner of a turkey thigh and 4 fried pasture raised eggs with some grassfed sour cream.  Had a little more dark meat turkey after that.

I had two people comment today that I look bigger: one a random youtube commenter and one my Valkyrie.  The latter is, of course, the most significant, but both speak positively to the impact of this training and eating.  Been awesome validating this approach.  It also means I'm finally outeating my training, which has taken some doing for sure.

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