Tuesday, November 21, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3113

AM WORKOUT (0425 wake up via alarm)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN: THE CIMMERIAN CHRONICLE** Week 5, Workout 2-“Unscrouplous Mercenary Among Waring Empires”

40 minute workout

* EMOM, do a Viking thruster w/90lb loaded on axle

* Add a thruster each round

* Do Turkish get ups between rounds w/10kg bell

* When beat by the timer, re-start thrusters at 1

18 minutes of Dan John’s ladder for prisoner squats and push ups (200 total)


Walk w/wolf (no vest, very windy and cold day, had to move fast)


* The story: In the midst of the war between the Aesir and the Ottomans resides our Cimmerian, who owes loyalty only to the coin. But the constant shifting of alliances and unending battles gradually consume him.

* Really had to convince myself to get up and train this morning.  Just feeling beat to hell.  Despite the feasting, I’m still pushing beyond my limits.  I settled on this workout because the get ups seemed like a way to challenge myself while keeping the load light.  I’m digging the idea behind a workout where I just get up and down off the floor a bunch.

* The story is cute there: Viking thrusters for the Aesir, Turkish get ups for the Ottoman.  I coulda brought in more cultures with some Russian vs American KB swings if I wanted to be goofy.  

* Took a bit to find my groove on the get ups, but after enough time it was starting to click.  My hip is still pretty pissed at me, which made the thrusters not super awesome.

* Was good to get in the bodyweight work afterwards.  It’s honestly the most tonic/beneficial stuff I do for myself, specifically those squats.  I have Tang Soo Do tonight as well, which will get me a little more.

* Weather was absolutely nuts today.  Crazy high winds.  My “wolf” is a 15lb pug, so I had to work to make sure she didn’t turn into a kite.  I went without the vest so we could move quick, and after an hour of solid training this morning, it seemed like I had done enough.

* My rings are falling off my fingers.  I'm losing a bunch of water and swelling.  I keep forgetting what the "after" is like on these carb-ups.  There's really an element of hormesis at play here I think.  I'm intentionally inducing inflammation when this happens, and then the body heals, rebounds and becomes stronger.  This is that "harmony disruption" piece I've spoke to earlier.  And it's the same side of the coin with the protein sparing modified fasting vs high fat intake.  And that seems like a spectrum on it's own.  Pure protein-high fat-high carb.  In the middle is the balance, and the extremes make it so the balance is harmonious.  Far out man.

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