Sunday, November 12, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3104

More weekend craziness.  Great breakfast, got in a walk, some push ups and squats, and then did this before eating my face off at Texas de Brazil

10 minute EMOM

* 4 burpee into log viper presses w/135lb log

Was able to get 4 per round until round 9, then it dropped to 3

Then I feasted.  It was glorious.

I signed up for a submission grappling tournament on 3 Dec.  I haven't grappled since 2005, so I signed up as a notice. That seems fair.  I have no plan to train grappling prior to the comp, so all I can do is show up strong and conditioned.  Game on.


  1. Grappling tournament? Holy smokes you truly do live with chaos as the plan.
