Tuesday, January 11, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2657

AM WORKOUT (0315 natural wake up) FASTED


Let me explain this one. 60 paces away from the prowler (loaded with 90lbs), I had 2 45lb KBs. Workout starts, I run to the KBs, do 5 thrusters, run back to the prowler, low handle push it to the KBs, do 3 front squats, low handle push the prowler ANOTHER 60 paces, run BACK to the KBs, 3 front squats, run BACK to the prowler, high handle push it to the KBs, 3 front squats, backwards drag to start. That’s ONE round.

I got through 8 in a little under 53 minutes.

THIS is a fantastic prowler workout. Time goes by quick with it, because you’re always busy and there’s not much monotony. I started off with 5s for the front squats and shut that down after the first round when I realized the kind of silly volume it would generate. I was hurting on this one. The running back and forth is crucial: I forced myself to move quick, rather than use it as an opportunity to dog it and recover.

A permutation I’ve thought about is carrying the bells from point to point as well. Mini-farmer’s walk. Just lots of potential.

The name actually came from a radio DJ while I was driving home. I was thinking some sort of “KB tax” name, because you’re always paying the tax on this one, but when you’re NOT doing that: you’re dying.

Was 19 degrees according to the truck. I made it to the 20 minute mark before I had to shed all the top layers. This workout gets you WARM!


  1. That looks like a gnarly one, would love to see video of this workout sometime.

    1. It's awful, haha. Video won't happen for a long time: it's too dark when I am training to get any decent footage. Would have to be in the summer or on a day off or something.
