Saturday, January 29, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2675

Slept until 0622 and hit a fasted 38 rounds of burpees over bar at 20 seconds on/10 seconds off. Best sleep I’ve had in a LONG time. Weekend is off to a great start.



Buffalo Bar Squat 20x320+Axle Deadlift 20x316+Comrade Fran w/45lb KBs+Keg Grace w/150lb keg+Stone shouldering 10x135

20 standing ab wheels

50 pull aparts

40 reverse hypers w/40lbs

2 mile walk with the dog

Notes: I am officially naming this workout, but it’s honestly more an idea than anything else. It’s origins come from Final Fantasy VI (III in the US), where the villain actually succeeds. At the end of the game, you encounter him and he expresses his nihilistic intent to destroy everything

In that battle, you fight a multi-part final boss, which is much like the structure of this workout. And in turn, you’re dying the entire time.

It also lends itself to allow me to just keep adding onto it to make it more challenging as I go. And giving it a name will make it easier than having to list it out every time. It was originally Deep Water, but now it’s mine.

The squat technique is getting sloppy/old school on me. I’m relying a lot on my hamstrings and low back to carry me through vs the more upright/quaddy style squat I’ve been using recently. Makes sense. When we’re in a bind, we fall back on what we’re good at. Got an extra rep on the axle deadlift before having to put it down, which was awesome. Fran felt like it moved a little better while Grace felt super awful. 10 was my minimum goal for the stone: I can add on to it next time.

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