Thursday, January 13, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2659

AM WORKOUT (0400 natural wake up) FASTED


3 front squats w/225lbs
4 log viper presses w/135
5 burpee chins

16 rounds completed in 41:12


50 dips
50 pull aparts
20 standing ab wheels
25 pushdowns

Notes: Took a few days off work and got to sleep in.  I am such a fan of what I've come up with for this workout.  I consider this "indoor prowling", because it has the same training effect on me.  It's got a bit too much eccentric work to be true prowler work, but still hits those marks.  Moved through it faster than last time and definitely felt it.  Finished up with daily work, and should be able to take the dog for  a walk later.


2 mile 80lb weighted vest walk with dog

Notes: Great to get another one of these in.  It's been a while.  We're getting a winter storm tomorrow, so had to get this in before that happened.  Shoveling in my future.

Few things I've been meaning to log but keep forgetting to.

* Mrs and I got a stripe on our belts in Tang Soo Do last night.  We've gone from the most junior students in the adult class to 2 of the most senior.  I'm really proud of my wife.  She didn't have the background I did, and has been just crushing this.   It also just goes to show the value of AN athletic background when it comes to picking up something.  

* My most recent Zeno Squat workout marks a milestone for me.  Anytime I can hit 4 plates for a set of 8, it means I'm good for a 500lb squat.  My legs are back to the strength they were before I undertook my rapid bodyweight drop.  

* In that regard, I'm feeling a lot more like my old self as far as performance and mentality goes, while physically improved.  I'm still lean and eating better/making better choices.  My sleep QUANTITY hasn't improved much, but sleep QUALITY is much better.  Used to wake up about every hour or so.  Now it's only a few times a night, and my sleep is DEEP. 

* Diet break is going well.  Still have to watch myself for undereating.  I like the training I've come up with during this time.  If I were to ever "sell" this approach, to make it simple, I'd make this a 7 week block of conjugate work.    

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